Helping you maintain Safe Hydration
Water dispensers have integrated into all aspects of our working and home life from offices to workshops and construction sites to schools and hospitals. Today employers do not only provide water dispensers as a means of fulfilling their legal duty to provide drinking water in the workplace, but they recognise the benefits derived from good hydration in the productivity and wellbeing of their staff.
Healthy Hydration Chart
There’s one easy way to know if you are properly hydrated – check the colour of your urine against our ‘pee chart’. Pale is good; dark urine means you could be in need of fluid. And if you are dehydrated, here’s an easy way to rehydrate healthily: head straight to that water dispenser… simple
Re-introducing workplace hydration
The Government has identified the importance of remaining hydrated; it is essential to the well-being of the workforce, helping to keep the immune system strong.
Using a water dispenser is a simple and easy way to provide safe and hygienic hydration with minimal personal contact.
See the WHA Customer Factsheet: Safely re-introducing workplace hydration.
Safety is paramount and water dispensers should be incorporated into regular cleaning and disinfecting regimes.
For more information see the WHA Essential Care of Your Water Dispenser.
Drinking around 6 – 8 glasses (2.5 – 2 litres) of fluid a day improves hydration and can:
- Help improve alertness
- All brain functions improve
- Aid receptiveness to learning
- Improve skin texture
- Reduce the rate of aging
- Help weight loss - reduce obesity
- Aid digestion process
- Improve energy levels
- Improve bodily organ functions
- Lubricate joints
Water Matters Fact Sheets
The benefits of drinking water. The British Nutrition Foundation recommends drinking at least 6 - 8 glasses (Approx. 2.5 - 2 litres) of fluid every day - and more for those involved in physically active work, or who are ill. Nutritionalists and dieticians advise that high quality water, free from flavourings and additives is far more beneficial than tea, coffee, fruit squashes or fizzy drinks. The WHA have identified a number of areas where hydration is key: Click below to view PDFPublic Sector
Construction Workers
Dental Practices
Salons & Spas
Hydration and the Elderly
Why you should choose WHA Member to fulfil your business or home hydration requirements
Choosing a WHA provider of drinking water guarantees customers a quality hydration service provision. It provides a recognised and measurable level of quality through rigorous annual audits. In addition, Members must adhere to strict Bylaws, Codes of Practice and Code of Advertising and Conduct.